by Christie Lader
Adoptions Supervisor

To help you understand how special Nikki and Cory’s story is, you should know that our birthmothers actually pick the family for their child. We were working with a client named Stacy who was pregnant with a baby boy. I called Nikki and Cory in January to let them know they had been chosen by Stacy to adopt her baby. Stacy was in a domestic violence situation, and we were all concerned for her safety. Nikki and Cory immediately connected with Stacy and, at Stacy’s request, even chose a name, Benjamin, for the baby. Here are just some of Nikki and Cory’s texts to me while Stacy was pregnant:
- “We’re praying like crazy for this little boy and his precious mother. No matter what God’s plan is, we know that they have been put in our lives for a reason. We feel blessed to be able to pray for them.”
- “We think about Stacy every single day and pray for strength and wisdom for her.”
- While Stacy was in labor they wrote a message for her, “You are in our constant thoughts and prayers. Your strength is amazing.”
While Stacy was in the hospital, she tested positive for marijuana and opiates. When I passed this information along to Nikki and Cory, they responded, “Nothing will change the love we feel for her and her baby.”
Stacy signed the paperwork to place her baby with Nikki and Cory. In Georgia, birthmothers have 10 days to change their mind about placing their child. Stacy decided to parent her child during the 10 days, and I called Nikki the night of Thursday, Feb. 25, to share the news that Benjamin was not their son. After some tears and shock, Nikki told me that they trusted that God’s plan is always greater than our plan.
The very next day, on Feb. 26, we had another birthmother named Denise look at profiles to choose an adoptive family. Guess who she chose? Nikki and Cory!
I could tell you so many more details about this family and birthmother, but just know that God’s presence is seen and felt all the time at Covenant Care. God tells us that he is always with us, but to actually see His presence time and time again is truly a gift. We are thankful for each one of you who make this ministry possible!